Thinking about making the switch to solar energy for your home or business? Congratulations—you’re taking a big step towards a greener, cleaner future. Before you take that plunge, however, it’s important to be sure you understand all the ins and outs of solar installation. Here are seven common questions people ask when considering going solar.


What Is Solar Installation?

Solar installation is the process of installing rooftop or ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) systems on homes or businesses. These systems generate electricity from sunlight and provide homeowners and business owners with clean, renewable energy. Solar installation can be done DIY-style or by professionals depending on the complexity of the project.


How Do I Choose a Solar Installation Company?

When choosing a solar installation company, do your research. Ask friends and family who have gone solar for their recommendations, read online reviews, and talk to multiple companies before making your decision. Be sure to thoroughly discuss costs, warranties, maintenance plans, and any other details related to your project before signing any contracts.


What Are the Benefits of Going Solar?

The benefits of solar power are numerous. Homeowners can save up to 40% on their electric bills with residential solar installations while businesses can reduce their utility expenses even more with commercial installations. Additionally, going solar helps reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as well as increase property value for homeowners. As an added bonus, many states offer tax credits for those who make the switch to renewable energy sources like solar power!


How Long Does It Take To Install Solar Panels?

Installation times vary based on factors like roof type and complexity of wiring but typically range from one day to two weeks depending on these factors. Professional installers can usually get the job done in one day while DIY installers may take longer due to less experience with wiring and other technical aspects of installation.

Do I Need Planning Permission For Solar Panels?

Generally speaking, no planning permission is required in most areas for solar panel installations since they are considered a “minor development” under current regulations in most countries including Australia, Canada, India, South Africa etc., though some exceptions apply so check with local authorities if needed before beginning any projects involving PV systems.

How Much Does A Solar Panel System Cost?

The cost of installing a PV system varies greatly depending on size, location (rooftop vs ground), government incentives etc., but generally ranges from $15-$30 per Watt installed which will cover both components and labor costs.

Are There Any Financial Incentives Available For Installing A PV System?

Yes! Many governments around the world offer financial incentives such as grants or tax credits for those who opt to go green by investing in renewable energy sources like PV systems. The amount available depends on jurisdiction, so check with local authorities if you are curious about what’s available where you live.



Making the switch to using renewable energy sources like solar power is becoming easier than ever thanks to technological advancements and increased availability of financial incentives around the world. With that said there is still much confusion amongst potential adopters regarding installation processes, cost factors, incentives, etc. Hopefully this article has helped clear up some common questions about going green with photovoltaic systems at home or work! If you’re still feeling unsure, contact a professional installer today for more help!                                                                           ​ ​​​​​​​ ​ ​​​​​​​ ​