Installing a solar system is a big decision and having a solar panel on your roof is a wonderful way to generate electricity for your home. Even better, solar energy is sustainable, renewable, and readily available. 


In recent years, solar power technology has seen remarkable advancements, many of which make the cost of producing electricity using solar go down each year. Well, while this has encouraged many Americans to switch to solar, with many trendy opportunities to invest in solar energy, it is hard for homeowners to know if having solar power will make that much difference. 


So, is having home solar power worth it? 


The truth is that switching to solar panels gives you the ability to save money by creating a natural source of energy to power your home and even heat your pool. 


Here are key benefits of having home solar power:


  • Solar power helps reduce or eliminate energy bills

The sun provides us with more energy than we could ever use. As such, switching to solar energy can help you save money in the long term. After all, sunlight is readily available and cannot be monopolized.


  • Although the upfront costs of installing solar panels can be high, there are no additional costs associated with its use. If you are using solar power to meet all your energy bills, then it means your utility bills will be practically zero. 


  • Solar power is good for the environment. 

Unlike fossil fuels, home solar is a clean, emission-free, and renewable energy source. Having home solar power helps combat greenhouse gas emissions while reducing the collective dependence on fossil fuels. This is not just good for the environment but also good for your health. 


  • Using solar energy means you will be less reliant on the power grid. Considering that hydropower and nuclear energy use a lot of water to produce electricity, switching to solar energy can help reduce water usage.


  • The production of solar energy doesn’t generate noise. 


  • Solar energy has diverse applications and helps your home go off-the-grid


  • Having home solar power boosts your electricity independence. Even better, depending on the size of your solar system, you can use solar for all your energy needs, including generating electricity and heat. 

With a powerful home solar power system, you can even make your home go off-the-grid. That way, you will enjoy cheap electricity and protect yourself against unpredictable increases in utility prices. With batteries, you can store electricity for nighttime use. 


  • Having home solar power can potentially increase home value

Installing solar panels is considered an upgrade, just like renovating your kitchen. If you are planning to resell your home in the future, the solar panels you are installing now can potentially raise the overall value of your home. Typically, solar panels raise a home’s value by 4.2% across the US. 

If you are a resident of Virginia looking to save money on utility bills, we can help get the best of this energy-conscious world. We are the best solar company in Virginia Beach, offering solar installation and other related services.